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There is room for you here.

Upcoming Events

At Mountlake Basics, our pastoral team will introduce you to the story and vision of Mountlake Church. Our vision is to see those broken by sin renewed by Jesus, and to invite you to join our community and follow Jesus alongside us.

Gathering Times:

Sunday Gathering
9 & 11am

Bridge (4th-6th Grade):
Sundays at 11am

Young Adults (ages 17-27):
Sundays at 6:30pm

Wednesdays at 7pm

Want To Connect?

Our Pastoral Team is ready to come alongside you in your faith journey, to answer questions or pray with you.

23302 56th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA

Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!

Psalm 80v3